Uniting Churches to Help Neighbors in Need
Love in the Name of Christ (LoveINC) is a nationally-proven model that networks local churches, volunteers, and community service organizations to better serve people in need.
Our Mission + Vision
We mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ to honor God and shine His glory. We envision a world where Christian churches are united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in their communities.
Driving Forward
Have you ever had an opportunity to gain freedom and independence? If you have, then you know the feeling of joy and excitement that brings you. This is how Carol Miller felt when she connected with her local LoveINC and was able to purchase a car that was donated.

Prayer Requests
Prayer is an integral part of who we are. Before we start our day, our meetings, or answer any phone calls… we pray. This gives God the opportunity to guide us on what He wants us to do. And we’re never disappointed. Would you like someone to pray for or with you? Submit your prayer request at the button below.

Watch This Week’s Video Devotion
Join Pastor Justin Zimmerly from Millersburg Church of Christ, as he unpacks James 3:13-17 and challenges us to consider what kind of life we are living.

Overcoming Transportation Obstacles
Are you aware of the Transportation Obstacles in Holmes County? We invite you to the table to explore possible solutions together. Thursday, November 11 at 6:30pm in the Community Room

New Classes Begin Tonight
Join us at 7pm for Anxious for Nothing or Faith & Fitness. Both meet at Martins Creek Mennonite Church and all are welcome.